

For more than 4 decades on the market, Rupert Propellers are synonymous of tradition and quality. We are proud to make a high quality propellers and performance for many types of experimental planes and certificate aircraft.


Rupert propellers are made of wood and bonded with Cascophen® resin and pressed to the right size, ensuring the perfect bonding of the blades. Balancing is done throughout the manufacturing process including the final painting. The pitch of the propeller is carefully studied for each type of aircraft and airfoil as well.


Applications: Propellers for Aerobarcos, Trikes, KRs, RVs, Fairchild, Echo, Pegasus, Long-Eze, Paulistinha, HoverCraft, Gyrocopter, Astro GT and more.


We also are making propellers for ornamentation, adapting to the most varied uses in decoration. Rupert is always willing to study the propeller that best fits his aircraft.